Master Your PC! 18 Genius Keyboard Shortcuts & Tricks You Must Try!

Are you a basic computer user? Don’t just be a basic user. Explore the 18 impressive windows tricks or you can say computer shortcuts below. Be an advance computer user. Here are some simple tricks and pranks which are good enough to impress someone.

18 impressive computer tricks

Also read:

Impressive Computer Shortcuts and tricks you should try!!1

1. Set Processes Priority

Follow this tip to increase the priority of active processes, this will result in prioritization of processes using the CPU.

CTRL-SHIFT-ESC1.Go to the second tab called Processes, right-click on one of the active processes, you will see the Set Priority option

2.For example, your Run your CD writer program, set the priority higher, and guess what, no crashed CD’s

2. Shutdown Trick!

Immediate rapid shut down the window while shutting down window. open task manager(Ctr+Alt+Del),

Select shut down tab. and press ‘ Ctrl ‘ key while select Turn Off from dis tab.

Count 5 4 3 2 1 Voila!!! U r window will rapidly shut down.

Speed Up Ur Shut down !!

Start Regedit.

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control.

Click on the “Control” Folder.

Select “WaitToKillServiceTimeout”

Right-click on it and select Modify.

Set it a value lower than 2000 (Mine is set to 200).

Like previous versions of windows, it takes a long time to restart or shutdown windows XP when the “Exit Windows” sound is enabled. to solve this problem you

must disable this useless sound. Click the start button then go to settings -> control panel -> Sound, Speech and Audio devices -> Sounds and Audio Devices -> Sounds, then under program events and windows menu click on “Exit Windows” sub-menu and highlight from sounds you can select, choose “none” and then click apply and ok. now you can see some improvements when shutting down your system.

3. Hide your folders.. never known trick! Disguise them to “Recycle Bin”

Rename any folder with extension {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}


if you have a folder games

press F2,

then type, “games.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}”

c the magic….

then 2 get to original form,

remove the extension using

“ren games.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} games” in dos or as a bat file

Now you are ready to roll!

4. System information: computer shortcuts

system uptime only for XP professional edition. It boasts how long it can stay up. Whereas previous

versions of Windows were coy about how long they went

between boots, XP is positively proud of its stamina.

Go to the Command Prompt in the Accessories menu from

the All Programs start button option and then type

‘systeminfo’. The computer will produce a lot of

useful info, including the uptime. If you want to keep

these, type ‘systeminfo > info.txt’. This creates a

file called info.txt you can look at later with

Notepad. (Professional Edition only).

5. lock PC just by double-clicking mouse: computer shortcuts

You can lock your XP workstation with two clicks of

the mouse. Create a new shortcut on your desktop using

a right mouse click, and enter ‘rundll32.exe

user32.dll, ‘LockWorkStation’ in the location field.

Give the shortcut a name you like. That’s it — just

double click on it and your computer will be locked.

And if that’s not easy enough, Windows key + L will do

the same.


Do u get irritated when acrobat reader takes 5/10 seconds to load when you want to open a pdf document? There is a way to speed up the loading.

1. Go to the installation folder of acrobat reader

(C:\program files\adobe\acrobat\reader\.. whatever)

2. Move all the files and folders from the “plugins” directory to the “Optional” directory. (I repeat.. cut and paste the files NOT copy & paste).

Also, make sure that acrobat reader is not open else it will lock the files and not allow you to move the files).

Now your acrobat reader will load very fast

and almost as good as notepad.

7. Remove Stored username and Passwords! : computer shortcuts

To remove the Stored User Names and Passwords from your system, try this:

Click Start, Run and type Control keymgr.dll

Remove the entries from the list.

The other ways to access this dialog are:

Type Control Userpasswords2 in RUN box, click Advanced, Manage Passwords


From Control Panel, select your User Account, click Manage your network passwords

It Works!!!!

Also read:

8. Remove the Username and pictures from Windows XP New Start Menu

The User account picture can be removed by turning off the Welcome Screen. Or, by switching to the Windows Classic theme. Follow the method described in this article if you want to remove the username and picture from the Start Menu, without disabling the Welcome Screen and Windows XP Theme.

For those who want to remove the user name and user account picture from Start Menu, in order to have a blank blue panel at the top, try this:

Start Windows Explorer and go to this folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\User Account Pictures

From that folder, rename the BMP file which corresponds to your user account.

( For example, if your username is Robert, rename Robert.bmp to old_Robert.bmp )

Next, rename the following folder:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\Default Pictures

to something else, say…

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\No_Default Pictures

To remove the user name, follow these steps

Start regedit.exe and navigate to this key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft\ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer

In the right-pane, set NoUserNameInStartMenu value-data to 1

Close Regedit.exe and restart Windows.

You’ll end up with a blue space at the top of the Start Menu.

9. To get back the username and the picture, reverse the above procedure.

For the New Start Menu, Windows XP looks for the <username>.bmp file in the folder

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\User Account Pictures

If the file is not found, it takes a picture from the “Default Pictures” sub-folder. By renaming the <username>.bmp and the “Default Pictures” folder, you’re giving no chance for Windows to fetch an image for the Start Menu

10. Notepad Tricks: computer shortcuts

Well quite old but here is d complete collection

Step 1: Open Notepad

Step 2: Write the following line in the notepad.

this app can break

Step 3: Save this file as xxx.txt

Step 4: Close the notepad.

Step 5: Open the file again.


1> Open Notepad

2> Enter four words separated by spaces, wherein the first word has 4 letters, the next two have three letters, and the last word has five letters

3> DON’T hit enter at the end of the line.

4> Save the file.

5> Close Notepad.

6> Reopen Notepad.

7> Open the file you just saved.


Open a note pad

type Bush hid the facts

save that file,

close it

again open and see…

11. NOTEPAD “world trade centre trick”..: Rahul

Did you know that the flight number of the plane that had hit WTC …on

9/11 was Q33N ….Open your Notepad in ur computer and type the flight

number i.e Q33N… Increase the Font Size to 72, Change the Font to

Wingdings. U will be amazed by the findings.

12. log trick !! make ur Notepad a diary !!

Sometimes we want to insert current date and time, whenever we open the file in the notepad. If you are a lazy person like me, who don’t like to press F5 whenever you open a notepad. Then here is a trick to avoid this. Just add a .LOG in the first line of your text file and close it.

Whenever you open the file with that text in the first line in the notepad, it will insert the current date and time at the end of the file. You can start entering your text after that.


The reason this happens:

In notepad, any other 4-3-3-5 letter word combo will have the same results.

It is all to do with a limitation in Windows. Text files containing Unicode UTF-16-encoded Unicode are supposed to start with a “Byte-Order Mark” (BOM), which is a two-byte flag that tells a reader how the following UTF-16 data is encoded.

1) You are saving to 8-bit Extended ASCII (Look at the Save As / Encoding format)

2) You are reading from 16-bit UNICODE (You guessed it, look at the Save As / Encoding format)

This is why the 18 8-bit characters are being displayed as 9 (obviously not supported by your codepage) 16-bit UNICODE characters

13. SPEED UP MENU DISPLAY.!! : computer shortcuts

When using the start menu you will notice a delay between different tiers of the menu hierarchy. For the fastest computer experience possible I recommend changing this value to zero. This will allow the different tiers to appear instantly.

Start Regedit. If you are unfamiliar with regedit please refer to our FAQ on how to get started.

Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

Select MenuShowDelay from the list on the right.

Right on it and select Modify.

Change the value to 0.

Reboot your computer.


Well, windows seem to have a REALLY big problem when it comes to reading AVI files. It seems that when you click on an AVI file in explorer, it’ll try to read the entire AVI file to determine the width, height, etc. of the AVI file (this is displayed in the Properties window). Now the problem with Windows is that if you have a broken/not fully downloaded AVI file that doesn’t contain this info, Windows will scan the entire AVI file trying to figure out all these properties which in the process will probably cause 100% CPU usage and heavy memory usage. To solve this problem all you have to do is the following:

1. Open up Regedit

2. Goto HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\.avi\shellex\PropertyHandler

3. Delete the “Default” value which should be “{87D62D94-71B3-4b9a-9489-5FE6850DC73E}”

Voila! Please note that this will no longer provide you with the windows properties displaying the AVI file information such as width, height, bitrate etc. But it’s a small price to pay for saving you resources.

NOTE: Please use caution when using Regedit. Improper usage may cause windows to behave incorrectly. Also, I cannot be held responsible. Backup your registry first.


And the AutoPlay Tab has disappeared in My Computer, Devices With Removable Storage, Right Click on CDROM, Properties.

Solution: The service: “Shell Hardware Detection” has been set to Manual or Disabled. Go to Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services. Return this service to “Automatic”.

15. How to make your Desktop Icons Transparent: computer shortcuts

Go to Control Panel > System, > Advanced > Performance area > Settings button Visual Effects tab “Use drop shadows for icon labels on the Desktop”


Start Regedit, if you are unfamiliar with regedit please see our FAQ.

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Modify the key legalnoticecaption with what you want to name the window.

Modify the key legalnoticetext with what you want the window to say. Restart

Worth reading:



ll, what I prefer is %temp% ” without quotes.. at Start -> Run..

this opens ur temp folder n den u cal erase it neatly// still try dis one too..

First, go into gpedit.msc

Next select -> Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Terminal Services/Temporary Folder

Then right-click “Do Not Delete Temp Folder Upon Exit”

Go to properties and hit disable. Now next time Windows puts a temp file in that folder it will automatically delete it when it is done! Note from Forum Admin: Remember, GPEDIT (Group Policy Editor) is only available in XP Pro.

18. Make your PDF files to speak (Auto prompt)

make ur pdf files to speak

here r the shortcuts for hearing pdf files in adobe reader 6.0 or higherctrl+shift+b —->to hear the whole topic

ctrl+shift+v —->to hear the page

Have fun!
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