What is a Fake Antivirus?
Have you ever seen the message or pop-up displaying “Your PC is infected by Malware” or “Scan Your PC for Virus Now!” ? definitely everyone who uses internet see such things on their computer. No genuine anti-virus compaines advertise in this way by showing the pop-ups containing such messages in the browsers. It is the act of harmful fake antivirus which is the first step to steal your data.
Also read:
- How Secure is Your Computer?
- Types of viruses and their effects on your PC
- How To Protect Your Router From Getting Hacked?
- Computer Repair: Upgrading Versus Replacing
- What Are the Best Computer Security Tips?
- Review: Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012
- How to Protect your PC from Autorun USB Virus?
- How to Optimize PC without using any Third Party Software?
These are called “Scareware” which makes user to bother about whether their computer is infected by virus and other harmful things, especially new user easily get foolished and downloads the linked scareware. Some of these downloaded scareware does nothing but most of them contain harmful trojans or keylogger to steal your keystroaks such as your bank password or any other confidential information. If you have purchased the scareware online then you must immidiately get in touch with your bank as the scareware owner already has your credit card information.
To confuse the user, these scareware companies use the names such as “Anti-Virus 2010” or “Security 360” which are relevant and sounds like real anti-virus products. Scarewares are also called as Fake Antivirus which are creating the new troubles in the modern digital world.
Tips to avoid Fake Antivirus Scareware
- One should never click such a links, ignoring is the easiest way to get rid of scareware.
- Always turn your pop-up blocker on or use any other third-party pop-up blocker to avoid useless pop-ups.
- Rely on the genuine antivirus products such as Kaspersky, Symantec, Avast, AVG, Panda AV etc.
- Install web protections suites such as K9 web protection, WOT (Web of Trust) or M86 Secure Browsing etc.