Obviously you came here to get some quality nofollow-free blogs list for link building from commenting. This list shows a collection of best dofollow + commentluv + high page rank  blogs, some of these sites are also keyword luv enabled where you can use your keyword along with your name. And if you also like to learn other ways to build domain authority. Please read this post .

I hope this list helps you in your link building efforts. It took me hours to put the list together for you, so if you enjoyed it I would greatly appreciate if you could help me back with tweets/stumbles/Fbshares and more for saving your time.

[alert-announce] Update: Here’s a nice tutorial to perform commentluv search. You can find this trick here [/alert-announce]

Dofollow links and Google Page Rank

Page rank is a algorithm named after the co-founder of Google larry page who invented it in 2005 when he was in Stanford to measure the importance of web pages based incoming links to a website. This algorithm is not just about incoming links, it also means links from quality sites.  Websites with more dofollow backlinks to it  gets higher Page  and hence gets higher authority in search results. The rate of incoming Dofollow links to a web page is the backbone of this page rank algorithm.

If you are a blogger or a SEO analyst, then the most important and hard job is to get the website ranked fast to get higher authority in search engine results, you can attain that by adding more incoming back-links for your website. Not all incoming links benefit your website, because only do-follow links pass their ranking to the outgoing links, So its very important to make sure you don’t waste your precious time adding comments only on website giving no-follow attribute

Commentluv system

If you comment on a blog with Commentluv system, it automatically picks up your recent article from your website and adds it below your comment. This helps bring traffic directly to your posts rather than just your main site link , this way you get an additional link from one comment.  on their outgoing links. In this article, I’m going to make things easier for you to find list of high ranked do-follow blogs with Comment Luv installed on it. And most of the sites using CommentLuv are mostly do-follow. Commenting on a blog which uses commentLuv is a decent way to get quality back-links.


While do-follow links help you gain domain authority with higher page rank, The keywordluv helps you rank for your keyword by letting you use the keyword as anchored text next to your name , for example: when I enter “Sreejesh @technology stuff” in the name field, it links only to “technology stuff”.

Ana hoffman explains how keywordluv helps you rank in first in Google search results page.

Also read:

So here’s the list of Do-follow you came here for.

In this huge list you can find blogs in different niche, you can add connects on those which is related to your niche, I couldn’t find time to categories them based on niche. In the next post I will be writing about how many back-links are needed for page rank with tabled list. Subscribers will get it first, so don’t forget to subscribe to our email.

Page Rank 6 :

  1. Grok dot com
  2. Currybet.net
  3. Sirpi.org/
  4. Eartheasy blog
  5. Social Times
  6. The Mall blog
  7. The Virtual Handshake
  8. Blog.photography.si.edu
  9. Midasoracle.org
  10. Weblog tools collection
  11. Interaction Design
  12. Jisc Digital Media

Page Rank 5:

  1. Andybeard.eu
  2. Oilman.ca
  3. Communityspark.com
  4. Layercake.net
  5. hobo-web
  6. Justaddwater.dk
  7. Krisbuytaert.be
  8. Therenegadewriter.com
  9. Iayork.com
  10. lifeinthefastlane.ca
  11. elleeseymour.com
  12. newcritics.com/blog1
  13. Links.org.au
  14. knrn.org
  15. Seobythesea.com
  16. Blog.dmbcllc.com
  17. Mouthpiecesports.com/blog
  18. Buzzmarketingwithblogs.com
  19. Bytesizecss.com
  20. Blog.astrumfutura.com
  21. Uncommonphotographers
  22. Aimee.mychores.co.uk
  23. Pitchinvasion.net
  24. Thevirtualhandshake.com/blog
  25. Kthread.com/kthread
  26. Blog.ruski.co.za
  27. Career.ucsb.edu/blog
  28. Gaming.psu.edu
  29. Blogs.cetis.ac.uk/asimong
  30. Blogs.nashuatelegraph.com
  31. Outofmygord.com
  32. Focusorganic.com
  33. Focus Organic
  34. Profitsfinancesite

Page Rank 4

  1. Stephan Miller
  2. Nickoo Shore
  3. BlueVerse
  4. BlogChef
  5. DearDrMoz
  6. TechGeeze
  7. Colloquium
  8. TheCroniclesOfR
  9. PhpCafe
  10. FreeBieShark
  11. MissNexus
  12. ZigPress
  13. Joebartender.com
  14. Deardrmoz.com
  15. Uppergreenside.org/blog
  16. Cinnamonthoughts.org/
  17. Memwg.com
  18. Steverenner.com
  19. Rebeccawalker.com/blog
  20. Canadienseneurope.org
  21. Alemsys.com
  22. Rumahabi.com
  23. Kid666.com
  24. Blueverse.com
  25. Barrywise.com
  26. Randomhacks.net
  27. Stomperblog.com
  28. Thesisthemehq.com
  29. Middlezonemusings.com
  30. WordPressmax.com
  31. Lillieammann.com
  32. Techjaws.com
  33. Kikolani.com
  34. Wnagele.com
  35. Bluehatseo.com
  36. Growsmartmaine.org/blog
  37. Thisclassicallife.com/weblog
  38. Costpernews.com
  39. Selberg.org
  40. Drownradio.com
  41. Omgpittsburgh.com
  42. Scrapscene.com
  43. Lifeintherough.com
  44. Phpcafe.net/
  45. Wallpaperstop.com
  46. Elearning.lse.ac.uk/blogs/usc
  47. Boykin.acis.ufl.edu
  48. Dmiracle.com
  49. Blog.waxmarketing.com
  50. Retirement-income.net/blog
  51. Nthambazale.com
  52. Smallbusinessbranding.com
  53. Blog.littlerockjams.com
  54. Affordable-internet-marketing.com
  55. Articlesnatch.com/
  56. Blog.winesworld.com
  57. Javelinmarketing.com/blog
  58. Stephanmiller.com
  59. Abstract2collective.blogspot.com
  60. Wpsx.psu.edu/bluerobot

Page Rank 3 :

  1. Qwertyweb
  2. TheReasoner
  3. DukDukMonk
  4. Internet Marketing
  5. Shanker Bakshi

Stay tuned.

I’m going to show you how to find commentluv enabled blogs in real time and commentlluv enabled blogs based on your niche.

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Hi there! I'm +Sreejesh and I am an internet enthusiast. I started writing on this blog as a hobby, now full time blogger. In this blog, I cover topics about blogging, and how to make money online, and also some interesting techy news, tips and tutorials. Checkout archives