Play your favorite Video Games in PC!

Want to come out from the daily tension? Bored with the same sticky routine? Or want to be a child in your free time? If your answer is “yes” then it is the time for you to bring back the beautiful moments of your childhood days!. Yes!.. It’s time to get the cute Mario, Rough Ninjas, speedy Road Fighter, Alladin, Snow Bros. and many other classic video games  on your own computer without any additional hardware.

Today the technology has grown up beyond our imagination and even the human motion sensor games such as Microsoft Kinect(TM) Xbox(TM) are capturing the market but as a phrase “Old is Gold” many people still like the classic video games to gain the lost moments of their childhood. Just go through the following stuffs to play the classic video games in your computer.

Nintendo Video Game files are formatted in .NES file extension which are freely available at To play these Nintendo files, we need to have a NES Emulator. NES Emulator is a platform application to play the .NES files with the keyboard so it is not required to have a joystick or other hardware instead of keyboard, just click “File>>Open”, select the NES game file and click on “OK” to play the game you want in the emulator. It is even possible to save the game state and load if you want to play it later. You can have your free NES Emulator from Fun time begins!..

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