Today, we know the Content optimization for any web page for any type of business is necessary for generating more sales. SEO stand for search engine optimization is the process for betterment the visibility of the a web page or a website in search engines. We increase the quality and quantity of a hits to a website. SEO is a organic or inorganic process. There are two main types of SEO-white hat seo and black hat seo. As the name suggests white hat seo means the clean, ethical and sustainable way for getting the page rank in search engine results and black hat means the unethical and very fast way and uses tricks and games for getting the high PR in first page in the search engines. For the seo we do various activities for the getting keyword in first page and from all those activities one activity is content optimization which is very important factor in considering the page rank.
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What is Content Optimization
Writing effectively is the one main thing used for attracting the customer and the reader towards your product or services you are providing through a webpage- a specific explanation is required for explaining the main points. Content should be well written and organized in a effective manner. Content optimization is the main aspect for considering the Google page rank in search engine. If a content not optimized then there are so many things which can harm the web page in getting the Page Rank. Optimizing content for SEO should be done in a right way, anything that can be searched in search engines can be effectively optimized.
Principles used for content optimization
There is a technique for doing content optimization . The content should be original and and make minor updates in old content regularly according to the changes in technology and information provided.
Meta tags
Meta tags is a HTML code of a web page. These are read by the search engines but not displayed in the webpage. It is a part of a web page design. Important tags are the title, description, keywords and robot tags.
<Meta name= description content=””>
<Meta name=Keywords content=””>
<Meta name=Robots content=”index, follow”>
Title tag :
The title tag is defines the name of a web page. The title tag extremely important for SEO. The main keywords you can use in your title tag as the seo point of view, but it does not mean that you enter all the keywords in title. It should be between 3-4 keywords and It should make a right phrase as giving the right idea for assuming the what about a web page content is. Title should not be more than 60 words if it then in search engine results it displayed with dot.
Description :
Description should be written in the way that it will provide what information your website contains or what your website is about. The sentence should short and concise so that vistors can easily undertsant what it is all about. The description tag not more than 200 words. The meta description tag has a great importance for the SEO optimization of your page.
Keywords :
Keywords is very crucial task and it is the main factor consider for getting the high Page Rank. Proper keywords are important for seo. One of the important part is that from the content marketing point of view that you are writing for readers not for search engine but you should use the keywords which are search engine friendly and have high global searches. The keywords tags contain should be 4 to 10 keywords. Keywords should be relevant and simple.
Meta robot text :
Meta robot tag is the way how a website crawled by the search engine. Following are the meta robot tag.
Index, Follow – Crawling starts from the the index page and then will continue to the rest of the pages.
Index, NoFollow – Crawling starts from the the index page and then will NOT continue to the rest of the pages.
NoIndex, Follow – search engine is not crawl the main page, but crawl rest of the pages.
NoIndex, NoFollow – None of your pages will be crawled by the robot and your website will not be indexes by the search engines.
Importance of content optimization in seo
The content of your website is important for the search engines as they consider your website’s relevancy and importance based on both meta tags and content in relation to the important keywords.On page optimization totally dependent on the website and the content. Content Optimization is very powerful tool as it is important with reader point of view, website owner pont of view that what he is going to sale and want to tell people from the web content and with search engine point of view. So try to make the content more impressive and effective.