Web world is enriching with new techniques each and every day, HTML5 and CSS3 have brought bunch of new element and tags but is your browser enough strong to render these new stuffs?.. Major browsers that supports the main features of HTML5 tags are Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 9, Safari and Opera, Of course all of HTML5 tags and CSS3 rules are not supported by many browsers yet. A web developer must focus on this issue that whether the codes he write will run on the major browsers or not. Here we have listed some websites to know HTML5 compatibility with browsers.
List of websites to Check HTML5 Compatibility of Web Browsers
CanIUse comes up with the compatibility table that consist of HTML5, CSS3, JS API, SVG and mobile browser’s tags and element. Just click on the tag or element to know whether the tag is supported by Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, iOS Safari, Opera Mini, Android or Blackberry Browser. A light green depicts the compatible state where as the red mark is meant by incompatibility. You can also see the global score of a particular tag to recognize the compatibility in all major browsers.
HTML5 Test
HTML5 test tool tests your browser’s HTML5 Compatibility. This one is the best tool to know what all the tags are supported by your browser and you can even compare the test result with other browsers including mobile, tablet, gaming and television browsers. HTML5 test gives the points for each and every tags and elements out of 500 points. The test also awards bonus points for supporting audio and video codecs.
Litmus has a table of HTML5 & CSS3 tags and elements to know CSS3 Compatibility with the browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera. Here you can know the compatibility of CSS3 selectors, CSS3 properties, web applications, web forms and GFX and embedded content.