If you are new to the Steam platform, then you might be wondering how you can replace your Steam Profile Picture.
The Steam Profile Pictures of your account is your Avatar which is displayed on all the Steam games. This Avatar will be visible on reviews, discussion boards and all your friends can see it. If you want to change your Steam Profile Picture then it can be done either through the web portal or the desktop client. It is a really simple process which hardly takes any time.
Replacing your Steam Profile Pictures from the Steam Client
- Go to your profile in the Steam client. In the navigation menu, just hover over your name and select the “Profile” option. You will be able to see your complete profile now.

- At the top of the screen, you will be able to see your Steam Profile Picture on the left with other details, and an “Edit profile” button.

- When you hit in the edit profile button, it will take you to a screen where you will be able to edit your username, country, and more.
- Your Steam Profile Picture will be shown in three different sizes at 184px, 64px, and 32px.

- Select “Choose File” and upload an image from your PC. Alternatively, you can choose from the “Official Game Avatars” link which is placed below the upload button.

- Once done, save the changes and return to your profile. You will now be able to your new Steam Profile Picture.
Replacing your Steam Profile Pictures in your Browser
- Open steam in your browser and login using your ID.
- Click on your username at the top left hand side corner and select “View Profile” from the dropdown.

- Now click on “Edit Profile”
- In the Avatar section, upload the image that you want or select one from the game avatars.

- The uploaded image will be synced to your desktop client within a couple of seconds.
**When you upload an image, it will be automatically scaled down to a smaller size. So, it would be a better idea to select an image which will look good even if it is small. You can crop an image and resize it for better results.
That is it! Replacing your steam profile picture doesn’t take any time at all.