Wednesday, February 5, 2025
4.4 C

Latest Comment Luv Blogs Related to Technology Niche

If you are wasting your valuable time to find blogs to comment on then here is the solution. Here we have noted down the list of comment luv blogs with their Google page rank in decreased order. These comment luv blogs usually post about blogging, social media, SEO, hosting, marketing, gadgets and how to articles. Commenting is one of the most important factors in SEO to build backlinks and increase the Google page rank. Advantages of commenting in comment luv blogs are-

  • You can able to get a backlink to your website which is anchored with your name
  • You will also get a link to your recent article with its title

Therefore here we can able to fetch two backlinks compared to the default WordPress commenting system which allows only the site URL. You can also have a look at our earlier post that elaborates on how to get listed in google in less than 24 hours.

List of High Page Ranked Comment Luv Blogs


Basicblogtips is high Google page ranked blog that serves tips for bloggers. Basicblogtips aims in serving quality content which is its mantra of success. It covers the topics including blogging, social media, Commentluv, technology and youtube.



Famousbloggers is a high authority website which allows you to share your articles that even includes 4 relevant backlinks to your website. It post about blogging, marketing, social media, SEO, hosting and giveaways.

Windowstalk is one of the comment luv blogs that comes up with the trending topics related to Microsoft Windows. It focuses on windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Live, Windows Vista, Windows XP, security and maintenance.


Blondish is an elegant blog that comes up with the topics including blogging, social media, web design, WordPress, make money online, SEO and tutorials etc.



TechPatio covers the topics including tech news, blogging, social media, gadgets and how to articles. owned by Rojish is a well-crafted blog that includes the niches including blogging, wordpress, SEO, social media and interviews etc. is owned by Thomas from Denmark. The site has simple theme that covers the topics including blogging, wordpress and gadgets etc.

myblog2day is a simple themed blog that mainly focuses on how to make money online by blogging. Other topics included are traffic building, SEO and Tips on blogging.

techinfo-4u serves the topics related to gadgets, tech news, software reviews and gaming etc. is one of the comment luv blogs that stands as a good resource for web developers to find out articles and books related to web development and blogging. It even covers the recent topics including HTML5 and Pinterest etc.

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