How to add Pattern Unlock iPhone

Pattern locking has been one of the most impressive capabilities of android which lacks in the IPhone. By default the iPhone only provides pass-code locking. Because of the limitations of the i-OS it does not allow any external application to make such changes in the way the operating system. Jail-breaking the iPhone comes to the rescue, because after that you can install applications which can completely alter the looks and ways of functioning of the iPhone. These applications cannot be installed from the app store but from Cydia, which functions alike the app store, although it carries the applications with features which the apps from the app store cannot perform. Just like the app store Cydia also carries a range of apps some free and some premium.

It is a mis-belief that that jail-breaking the iPhone is illegal. It is totally legal to jailbreak the iPhone and modify the OS as you want. But it is illegal to install pirated apps or apps which are present in the app store and are essentially paid! The apps present in Cydia are not pirated apps but apps created by individual and developers who are not associated with apple.

ilock is a tweak which lets you add a pattern unlock to the iphone so whenever you arrive at the lock screen you are presented with the dots which you need to connect to enter the home screen. You can choose how many dots you would like to have, [3×3] ,  [4×4] or [5×5] and if you want to repeat lines etc. All you need is an iPhone or an iPod touch with iOS version of 3.1 or higher.

First make sure that you have jailbreaked your iPhone. If you have jail breaked, you can install cydia from

How to add Pattern Unlock iPhone 1

Installing the extension

Once you have got cydia installed, you can go to Cydia app. In the app, on the bottom you will find a button called ‘manage’. Click on that button and then click on Sources . Click edit from the upper right and an ‘add’ button will appear on the upper left. On the pop-up box enter this url – “” without the quotes. Once you have gone through the process, Return to Cydia, and then go to search and type ” AndroidLock XT” without the quotes. From the search results select the app with the same name and open it. Then install it! Once it is install, click the reboot button from the screen.

Configuring the tweak

Go to settings and then click in AndroidLock XT. Then enable it. You can also select a theme amongst the 5 themes present and also change the pattern which you will need to enter to unlock .That will do it. You can change the behaviour of your android lock screen for max attempts and pattern required found in the AndroidLock XT settings also.You can now sit back and relax as nobody unlocks your phone without asking you. Go and show off to your friends that even iPhone can do what other phones can do! And yes, don’t ever forget your lock code!

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