Get yourself the right dongle

Staying connected while you’re on the move has become crucial for many of us, with mobile and smartphones proving to be the most convenient way to get the job done. However, there’s no denying that the convenience of mobile broadband via a laptop or netbook is also a real boon if you’re out and about.

Now that the laptop or netbook is now cheaper than ever, it’s quick and easy to get connected to a mobile broadband supply and duly access the internet and email, pretty much wherever you go. Having said that, you’ll still need a dongle deal to help get the best and most cost effective option for your mobile needs.


mifi  dongle

Which dongle?

The humble dongle now comes in an array of different deals and offers from mobile network providers. Once you’ve decided on the one for you then it’s simply a case of plugging the small plastic device into an available USB port on
your machine and away you go. Picking through the many and varied dongle deals is slightly less straightforward.

In that respect, it’s a great idea to use a free comparison website, such as Broadband Genie. Inside here you’ll find all of the dongles you’ll ever need, with a whole set of comparison options to tailor a package to suit your requirements.
Lookout for main criteria, such as price, setup, contract duration, speed and downloads, although remember that pay-as-you go can be a good idea if you don’t fancy signing up for anything.


Pay-as-you-go can be an excellent idea if funds are tight as you only pay for what you use. A contract deal will give you more flexibility and freedom though, with downloads limits often higher than PAYG. The speed of service via either route is always open to misinterpretation as networks will claim ‘up to’ speeds, but services are often much slower.

Nevertheless, buy the right mobile broadband dongle and it’ll allow you to stay connected pretty much wherever you go, although again it’s a good idea to use the postcode checker option on the comparison website to see what sort of
coverage levels are achievable from the dongle you like the look of.

If you want to share your mobile broadband then it might be an idea to plump for a MiFi device. This is a little like a router in that it allows you to distribute your mobile broadband signal amongst friends and family, with up to five
devices being able to use the one connection. Now that really is making the most of mobile broadband!

About the author: Rob Clymo writes on behalf of Broadband Genie, the independent comparison website for broadband, mobile broadband and smartphones


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