5 Simple Tips To Efficiently Manage Time for Blogging

One of the common concerns bloggers face in their blogging life is coping with time for blogging. And most of the bloggers fail to manage time between blogging and their job/studies and both are time conscious. Is it real that we don’t have time to Blog or do we waste our time too much? Effective blogging, requires time and It will be really difficult for us to blog consistently in our busy schedule. So, we need to manage tasks with time.

Here are 5 simple tips for bloggers to manage time for blogging, which can help you in better consistent and effective blogging.


blogging time management clock

Always wear a wrist watch to track your time:

We might spend more time doing nothing than doing something and all of a sudden we realize, so ,much of time has passed away. One of the first thing you can do is to have a wrist watch wared whenever you can. And hang clock on the walls and put them every where to remind us of this limited resource called “Time” that we have less of it today than we had yesterday.

I hope, most of you already have a wrist watch and If you don’t, then I recommend you get a Timex ironman watch, it just cost you a couple of dollars.


Make Time Table:

Get a sticky note for noting down the regular tasks which you do or have to do everyday. Observe your day and note down how many tasks you can manage to do in a day in the available time. Keep other things like job or studies apart from this time table, because they will get mixed up and eventually you get panic.  Daily blogging is not important, but whenever you blog make sure you provide a highly informative or power pack post which can drive attention to your skills.

If your are able to maintain a good time table, then should be able to post at least once in a weak. After posting, make sure to promote it via social media sites. The more you write the more experience you get and eventually you will become a good writer and get confidence to write often. Search engines like Google love freshly updated blogs and they will do in favor your blog and drive lot for visitors.


Divide your tasks:

As I said above, making time table should be based on tasks you can handle in the given time. You can divide blogging tasks based on hierarchy.

For example:

Researching for post ideas >> Taking down points >> Write post >> Meta tags keyword research (Google adwords keyword tool) >> Publish and promote it on social media (Ask your friends to share too).  In this way you can divide tasks based on type of the work. once you get used to it, you will get more ideas to manage task on complete them in time. Don’t even postpone anything for tomorrow because TIME is the most precious thing that cannot be rolled back. So use it as with a sense that every minute is unique. Imagine a date like 11-11-11, its so unique and you won’t get that date anymore not even in your entire lifespan.


Stop Checking Statistics :

If you have a habit of checking site statics and checking adsense revenue every time you are online. You should only start doing that once you have published an article (if planned any). Rather than spending more time for checking site statistics, you must be spending more time adding more rich content to your blog which could create a very positive impact on your traffic and ranking.  I didn’t mean that one should never check the site statistics, but not check again again in a single day. So focus of things which can bring more impact on your blog. Things like checking fellow bloggers blog and adding some comments to their recent post is a good thing for both building a good relationship with fellow bloggers and getting some backlinks to your blog which can bring up your blog rankings and traffic.


Don’t Get Distracted by Social Networks.

If you have a habit of being a social media guy, then you have to cut it short to a manage your blogging and daily tasks. You should however, maintain a good social media profile(s) to be able to promote your blog articles. But too much of time on social media can be harmful to your health and your blogging too. Don’t be addicted to social media because its hard to concentrate on your work when you are addicted to something.  You can always enjoy your weekends on social media if you have no other plans. Remember, the work you do today for your blog can save you a lot of time in the coming days. Maybe sometime later you could start your own office and hire writers for your blog.


Blogging is a wonderful job. So relax, Enjoy and make your job even more wonderful. No other job would give you so much of freedom to work. No Boss, No traffic Jam, No business target but surely there. No hurry. Its so cool as sitting in your backyard and writing down what you love. And fill knowledge in the world of internet.


enjoy blogging in the backyard

Eventually your blog overtime will become a library of great contents, and will also be one of your greatest source of income without anymore major investment of time spend in recreating it. The time you spend for blogging today will be of great help for others too. So YOU and YOUR TIME are the best Blogging Time Manager.  Because no one can stop you from deciding how you spend your time, maybe not for many others. But It’s really up to YOU. Time is the most precious thing in life and things you do today will be a greatest positive factor for the rest of your life.  And time is also one of the best you can gift some one can ever give to another, so manage it wisely.

Hi there! I'm +Sreejesh and I am an internet enthusiast. I started writing on this blog as a hobby, now full time blogger. In this blog, I cover topics about blogging, and how to make money online, and also some interesting techy news, tips and tutorials. Checkout archives

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