Friday, February 14, 2025
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How To Be A More Productive Writer

Productive writing doesn’t necessarily mean writing a lot of articles in a day without any concern for the subject. As the saying by Woody Guthrie goes, “any idiot can make things complicated, but it takes a genius to make things simpler”, Being a writer, it is not just important to write more, but exceed your own quality standards every time. While yet maintaining the pace and frequency you write. However, it is easier said than done. Here we are going to share some tips that may help you get things under control and increase your productivity without making any strenuous effort. They have worked for me and hopefully, they may work for you as well:

productive as a writer

Fast, fast:

You are perfectionist and I have nothing against perfectionists. I have come across numerous bloggers who are very much passionate about their writing style and they are so much obsessed with it that they edit every single sentence they wrote. But the bad thing is that those articles, even end up having some errors in them. If you are editing and writing simultaneously, you must be taking up horribly long time to wrap up an article. So, what you should do is to stop editing and writing at the same time. It makes sense to not to interrupt yourself when you are in a flow and once you are done with two or three articles, you may edit them at one go. Effective and time saving.

So You Think You Can Multi Tasks:

You are a great writer and like every other great human beings, you should be good at multi tasking. Mean, you can be really good at checking emails, tweeting, updating your facebook fanpage and write a creative post at the same time. Probably you are getting it wrong. I have personally found myself more productive when I am concentrating one a single work rather than shifting my focus on multiple tasks. The more focused you get one a single task, the easier it becomes for you to get it done without dragging your feet at the signs of some complex task.

Have a Better Writing Environment:

Content writers need a peaceful environment. Kids infested place or blaring sound of loud music is not going to help you as a productive writer. But it is not that easy to find such a peaceful place and I am well aware of this difficulty, so my humble suggestion is to put on your trusted pair of headset and start listening to some great music. Yah, I know that this is too a noise but this is far better than other noise that may destabilize you completely.

Take Rest To Think Between Writing:

It is of high importance for a writer to take a break occasionally when you are thinking for new points. You will feel more relaxed, rejuvenated and finally more inspired. Treat a break as a reward.  Make sure you are taking off at least on weekends otherwise you will soon find yourself devoid of creative juice. Break entire days work into small segments and you will not have to worry about lacking your creative ability to write on complex topics as you will have enough time to rest your perched brain.

Also read 11 Smart Tips for Brilliant Writing from Copyblogger

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