There is no doubt that the compound noun social-distancing ranks among the top words of 2020, competing against contenders such as pandemic and normalcy for the number one spot. Though everyone has heard it, few can define it. Regarding public health, its definition entails a set of non-pharmaceutical measures intended to prevent the spread of a contagious disease through physical distance. Now, in a time where such guidelines are in place, where governments advise citizens to avoid public gatherings and stay at home, these measures spell disaster for real-world exploration games, forcing developers, like everyone else, to adapt.


Niantic’s Pokémon Go led the way, and Microsoft’s Minecraft Earth followed, as both titles implemented new features that made it easier for players to enjoy these games during the ongoing pandemic. Minecraft Earth introduced new adventures that spawn in a player’s vicinity so that they no longer have to go out and seek them out. Pokémon Go limited the number of gifts players can get while increasing daily bonuses. Naturally, these new features will not be enough to emulate the previously available experience both titles provided. They represent a necessary measure to encourage people to be responsible while having fun from home.

Both companies claim to have developed these features per the Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization guidelines. Developers are now in a situation where they alone are not responsible for creating their game’s rules. Extraneous circumstances and organizations also play a role.

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AR Technology Set to Hit Online Casinos

Playing games of chance for real money on the internet is slowly becoming a super-popular leisure activity. The industry’s stance on adopting new technologies is essential to why this sector will continue to grow. New software and hardware innovations are seemingly developing month-on-month, and today, everyone wants to be up-to-date. Nowadays, attention spans are lower than ever, and most people need constant stimulation to remain involved in an activity. Thus, quality licensed casinos online are looking into implementing AR technology options that further immerse players.

As mentioned, these gaming platforms are hitting record peaks year-on-year. However, the online sector is still trailing behind the land-based one. Online operators think that by investing in developing AR technology, they can tip the balance in their favor. AR will enable players to see the croupier and everyone else at their table. It will provide a detailed 360° environment accompanied by realistic sound effects. Players will not only be able to see what is going on at their table, but they can freely look around the virtual venue, visit a lounge, or sit at the bar. Once these options become available, online casinos will deal a massive blow to their real-life counterparts, sending their revenues plummeting. Until that moment comes, players can still enjoy thousands of virtual reel-spinners and live table games, going up against a dealer situated in a casino-like setting.

Augmented Reality Technology Application in Business

Though AR and gaming seem like a logical fit, the number of its business-related applications is plentiful. Shopping is the first sector that comes to mind, and it has already made strides reading the use of AR. Sportswear brand Lacoste has an app that lets retail shoppers place their foot at a designated spot in a Lacoste store to see how a specific shoe will fit. Other massive retailers are also developing similar dedicated software. 

However, experts believe that AR capabilities are super-applicable for workforce training. In 2019, virtual assistance software TeamViewer launched a pilot app that incorporates AR technology, advertising it as a crucial solution for equipment repairs.  New factory employees do not have the experience of older ones, and often it is hard to retrain people that have done a specific job for a long time. AR solutions can incorporate a rich informational ecosystem that can empower new workers during training and provide logistical assistance and guidance. Using these solutions, experienced workers will equip younger ones to perform complex tasks quicker, which would lead to reduced costs and increased on-time delivery.