Women Are Taking Over the Gaming Industry

Women make up almost half of the global game market and two-fifths of the AR-VR device owners, 48% of the gamers in the U.S are women. It’s high time we change the demographics around the gaming industry and remove gender inequality from the equation.
Mitu Khandakar, Glow Up Games CEO said in an interview with Bloomberg Technology-“If you look at games culture as a whole, there’s this perception that you know when you see the big marketing campaigns from the big companies, you see the big flashy billboards, often those are targeting you know this stereotypical perception as you say of like you know a white male between the age of 18 to 30”.
There are game companies on the mobile side who are increasingly realizing that there is a female audience and making story-driven games but the gap is still wide. The motive behind this infographic is to educate all the women and men out there about how women should be equal opportunity employers, even in the gaming industry. Women love to game just as much as men do and more people need to realize that. Let’s kill the stigma that revolves around women and the gaming industry, it’s the 21st century and women are getting woke about their dreams and ambitions. More power to you!

women in gaming
Women Are Taking Over the Gaming Industry 1
Ayushi Thakur
When you love what you do it will be seen in your work. Writer. Generally curious. Will probably make you curious too.

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