The COVID-19 Vaccine is finally out, but the people still don’t have enough knowledge about how it works or how many doses are even required. Researchers have been working around the clock to develop effective vaccines, which people started receiving in December 2020. Approximately 96 COVID-19 vaccines are at various stages of clinical development. Since there are lots of death records, nation crowd is getting hyped up. Equitable access to safe and effective vaccines is critical to ending the COVID-19 pandemic, so it is hugely encouraging to see so many vaccines proving and going into development. WHO is working tirelessly with partners to develop, manufacture and deploy safe and effective vaccines. Safe and effective vaccines are a game-changing tool: but for the foreseeable future we must continue wearing masks, cleaning our hands, ensuring good ventilation indoors, physically distancing and avoiding crowds. Neglecting the negative side, we should focus on the positive news that tremendous part of the population is getting recovered and the vaccine is also being made available to the people of the nation at a very high rate. . Even it is estimated that 75% of the population will get vaccinated within 9 months. Here is all the information about COVID-19 vaccines that you need to know.