Well here goes another article about wordpress plugins. If you are still using author tags for your blogs, it’s time to move on. This plugin named author exposed, does the same thing as an author tag, displays the author name, only this time it’s linked to a hidden layer which pops up with the author info gathered from the profile page, plus gravatar photo. It is xhtml,css valid and runs on opera and safari too.
You can download the plugin from here:
Installation is simple and should not take much time:
1. Upload ‘author-exposed’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
2.Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3.That’s it! Although you might need to place (if you haven’t already or if it’s not included in your theme) where you want the author link to appear (must be inside the loop)
Take a look at how it works-
A screenshot from techgyo.com.
How to manually add this box appear blow the post?
Once you install the plugin, go to plugins page and activate it. The add the below short-code in Single.php of your WordPress theme.
<?php the_author_posts_link(); ?>
Every theme will have a single.php folder and you can open it from Cpanel. Then add the above short-code in the appropriate line.