
Got bored with the traditional Word-Press commenting system and wanna try something new that attracts your visitors? Here is the nice and robust commenting system which is ready to replace your WP commenting system. Livefyre is the best comment platform we are talking about which changes the way people interact with your blog by its advanced features such as real-time conversation, seamless integration, tagging and sharing etc.. Livefyre is available in both free and professional plans to suit your requirements, we’ll discuss about it later. Let’s have look at the salient features of Livefyre.

Significant Features of Livefyre

Livefyre comes up with fantastic features, most useful feature of Livefyre include-

  • Live Conversation Stream – Livefyre provides the live conversation stream or real time commenting that displays the comments without the need of refreshing the page.
  • Social Network Integration – This feature allows you to share your comments on the major social networks such as Facebook and Twitter by tagging your friends using “@” symbol on both services directly in your post.
  • Social Network Sign-in – Livefyre allows you to post your comment with your social network accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.livefyre social network signin
  • Intelligent Spam Filtering – Livefyre automatically detects spam comments with it advanced spam filtering technology.
  • Advanced Moderation – Advanced moderation allows you to delete comments or ban users directly on the page instead of going into administration panel.
  • Database Postback – This feature of livefyre saves all of the comments to your Word-Press comment database that means you can easily fetch your comments in traditional word-press comment system if you wish to remove Livefyre.

Livefyre in Action

Livefyre comes with stylish and smooth interface, comment box and buttons crafted with rounded edges attracts everyone. Livefyre comment system allows you to like the comments other write and follow the conversation as well. Here in livefyre comments can be sorted by either newest or oldest.


Livefyre Plans

Livefyre is available in free and professional plans. Free plan includes all the basic features needed for a standard blog and if you wish to have some extended features then you could go for Livefyre’s professional plan that is powered with Fully Customizable Interface, Custom Domain Emails, True Single Sign-On and 24/7 Customer Support.


Hi, this is +Shrinivas, from Belgaum. I'm a part of the Techgyo community.