Usually whenever we download software, songs and movies from internet we won’t get the constant speed especially BSNL broadband user mess with this issue. I am not blaming the organization here but it is the fact. Downloading with the constant speed is not possible even if you use IDM (internet download manager) or speedbit’s DAP (Download Accelerator Plus) or any other third party download managers that you use to download.

I faced with transfer rate varying issue whenever I download software, songs or movies from the internet earlier. I personally use IDM (internet download manager) to download and my broadband’s maximum downloading speed (transfer rate) is upto 80 Kbps which is not constant. While downloading with IDM the transfer rate some time goes down to 40 Kbps and again back to 70 or 60 kbps, I was unable to get the constant high speed. I decided to get the constant transfer rate while downloading and started hunting for the software for the same.

While searching for a software to get the constant high speed transfer rate, I found a cool freeware i.e NetBalancer developed by seriousbit.

Also read:

Brief Note on NetBalancer Traffic Shaping Tool

NetBalancer is a free tool that can monitor and control internet traffic, it works well with Microsoft Windows XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 as well and even in x64 operating system environment. It is a light tool of just 2.2 MB in size and thus does not slow down the PC while startup.  NetBalancer allows you to-

  • Prioritize specific process (this is a trick we use to download with high speed)
  • Set network traffic rules and limit global traffic: this is useful when you have limited bandwidth plan
  • Group several local network PCs and balance traffic
  • Have a look at live network traffic with graph

How to download with constant high speed using NetBalancer?

  1. Run NetBalancer from the start menu once downloaded and installed it in your computer
  2. Start your download with IDM or DAP software or any other downloading client
  3. Now point out your downloading client in NetBalancer’s list
    Download Large software and movies files quickly with constant high speed 1
  4. Right click on IDMan.exe and click on “High” from the menu (I am using IDM to download files),

The job we just done prioritizes IDM process which then uses available bandwidth to download files with high speed constantly. Here is how I download software and movies quickly with constant high speed and I hope this trick will surely help you.

Download Large software and movies files quickly with constant high speed 2
constant high speed transfer rate after the settings in IDM

NetBalancer’s free version is limited to maximum 5 priorities, limits and 5 rules this means you can only prioritize 5 processes at a time. You can go for NetBalancer Pro version at 30$ (approximately 1,620 Indian rupees) for unlimited access.

NetBalancer homepage>>

Hi, this is +Shrinivas, from Belgaum. I'm a part of the Techgyo community.