You all know that Google is really big, but how big is Google? Even Google doesn’t know how big is Google, because Google is enormously huge, They have a huge list of products, and most sophisticated tracking systems and services. This post is a quick overview on how big is Google and list of Google services. To make my job easy, here’s a link to Google’s corporate history which gives you all information about Google’s evolution. Here’s a short and cute list of Google’s product and services. This list includes Google’s start-ups and also acquisitions by Google. It will be a great experience for anyone being a part of Google. Excuse me for not adding description for each services. It already took almost 2 hours to just get this list. Also read:

AdWords, Chrome, Desktop, Earth, Gmail, Pack, Picasa, Quick Search box, Secure Access, SketchUp, Talk, Visigami , Blogger, Blogger Mobile, Buzz, Calendar, Gmail, News, Google Mobilizer, iGoogle, Product Search, Reader, Mobile search, Picasa Web Albums, Google Latitude, Voice (United States Only), AdSense, DoubleClick, Grants, TV Ads, 3D Warehouse, Apps, FeedBurner, Friend Connect, Gadgets, Profiles, Notebook, Knol, Panoramio, Orkut, Picnik, Reader, Sites (Previously Jotspot), SMS Channels (Google India Only), Questions and Answers (Chinese / Russian / Thai / Arabic Only), Wave, YouTube, Google Sidewiki, Android, App Engine, Code, OpenSocial, Mashup Editor, Subscribed Links, Webmaster Tools (Previously Google Sitemaps), Google Chrome OS, Google Go, Google Closure Tools, City Tours, Map Maker, Building Maker, Mars, Moon, Ride Finder, Sky Map, Transit, Aardvark, Alerts, Base, Blog search, Book Search (Previously Google Print), Checkout, Code Search, Dictionary, Experimental Search, Fast Flip, Finance, Groups, Image Labeler, Image Search, Language Tools, Life Search (Google China), Movies, Music (Google China), News, News Archive Search, Patent Search, Product Search (Previously Froogle), Scholar, Squared, Suggest, University Search, U.S. Government Search, Video, Voice Local Search, Web History (Previously Google Search History / Personalized Search), Trends, Gapminder, Health, Google Mini, Nexus One, Google Search Appliance, GOOG-411, Google Public DNS, Answers, Browser Sync, Co-op, Free Search, Hello, Google MK-14, Music Trends, Page Creator, Public Service Search, SearchMash, Spreadsheets, Video Player, Web Accelerator, Dodgeball, Catalogs, Joga Bonito,
Lively (Windows XP/Vista) -3D animated chat program launched on July 9, 2008 and closed December 31, 2008.[7]

Here’s another link of google’s acquisitions. The list of really huge and it can’t fit in this page, So I feel it will be convenient to give a link. So wondering where Google stores all these products and services? Just look below, you will be amazed to know how much dedicated server space Google have when compared to others. Click on the image for fill image view. This image is really long, So don’t be surprised while scrolling down.

[ Link : Google History | List of Google Acquisitions ] 
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