After developing the website for your business, it is of much importance to drive traffic to them it would not do the owner much good if people do not get to see it. Websites happen to be one of the primary marketing channels for many small businesses. Using social media networks in a strategic manner can be the solution to this common problem. However, with all the other challenges of running a small business that owners juggle with, they may not know where to start.
This paper provides ways of how to Keep Your Social Media Traffic Growing.
Sharing the Content
Getting traffic from social media networks ranges from the basic things the administrators of the website do to more sophisticated methods that take more effort time. One great way to increase social media traffic is to share the content on social media more than once. The URL of the website should be included on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+ company pages on the specific place provided to putting up website URL.
Monitoring and Engaging
Once all the social networks have been set up with the website URL, one can start to monitoring and engaging on the social networks proactively. The person who runs the website can reach out to potential and existing customers so as to drive them to your website. Relevant content that is on the website must be shared with the prospects. Linking your site to other bloggers in your post is an easy and free way to get traffic. Never linking out is one of the biggest mistakes one can make. Linking out to others when posting makes them take notice of you and at the very least, most of them will tweet that post while others may even link back to you. The links should be relevant though. According to data from PPC management company

Providing Education
Providing education and sharing of knowledge is important to get traffic. |s a business, one of the goals is to earn money. However, it also necessary for your customers to know and see that you are passionate about your craft and that you are an expert. It is important to provide interesting content using white paper or brochure to download either directly or capturing e-mails.
Consistent Updates
One of the biggest barriers to increasing traffic on a website is a lack of new content. Being proactive on your blog is an easy way of maintaining a dynamic website and making sure that one is updating something on social media. If you keep pointing your social messages to great new content in your site, the followers are more likely to hit it off and become customers. Timing is a very unique element to increasing traffic. Research and post at the right time when people are around and frequency should also be observed.
Using Social Media Ads
Using social media ads is a good way of increasing website traffic. When using a promoted Tweet or Facebook ads one should ensure that they link back to a dedicated promotion-specific landing page for conversion. One can also create ads on LinkedIn and then linking them to a pointer generation form on your site. Finally but not least, Hosting Twitter Chats or a Google Hangout is a good way though a little sophisticated way of increasing traffic on a website.