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Why Good Content is Essential Strategy for Social Media Success

Content is King of Social Media Realm

Content is King has been a catchphrase since before the Internet, but in the online world it’s even more important to realize this and put the wisdom to good use. Before getting into why good  content is essential in 2013 and beyond, let’s take a closer look at the definition of good content. This will help you understand why content is so crucial for social media success.

social media success stratery


What is Good Content?

If content is King, you want to make sure you’re producing posts that is worthy of royalty. Here’s a list of some of the qualities of great content for social media success.

  • Useful – Posts that fills a need and is useful is more likely to spread online. When you can help people by being useful, they’re going to share that your story with more people.
  • Memorable – Whether it’s the delivery, the punchline or a combination of the two, you want to make sure your post is memorable and sticks with readers.
  • Edited – There’s nothing worse than having a solid idea for a topic but not being able to finish reading because of grammar mistakes, misspellings or other problems.

The above three items are not the only things that constitute great content, but they’re a good place to start. If you can get a grip on the basics, you’re going to have a better chance of being successful.

Also read:


social media content

Facebook (Blue) in the graph shows the value of content on social media.

Photo by: Danny Sullivan

A picture is worth a thousand words:

Funny, cute, or infographic, you name it, you can find more pictures shared on social media than any other type of content shared online. We humans have a photographic memory and our memory has remember images better than text of numbers. No wonder how Pinterest became the fastest growing site in history with the power of images. So consider creating Infographic or funny facts or memes pictures in your next social media campaign strategy for greater social media viral success.

Also read: PinAlerts- Get Notified When an Image Gets Pinned from your Website or Blog

Why Good Content is Needed

Here’s a look at why you need good post to succeed these days.

  • So much content– The Internet is FULL with articles, images and videos and much much more. Over the last few years, the volume of posts being added to the Internet has not slowed down at all. In some cases, it’s even increased. This leaves a vast sea of contents, many choices for people with a limited amount of time.
  • Standing out from the Crowd – With the vast amounts of content/posts now available online, the bar has been raised for post to be considered good. If you have low quality or even mediocre content, you’re not going to be able to be found in all the other information that’s on the Internet now.
  • Establishing a Connection – To start a relationship with a potential customer or client, you need to first establish a personal connection with them. Without high quality posts, you’re just not going to do this without a lot of struggling and headaches. Good content can help you communicate better with consumers.

Also read: Tips on How to Tweet like a Pro for Your Business

I hope this post should help you realize how having good content is an important strategy for social media success. If you take the time to craft post that is going to stand out from the crowd, you’re going to find that you’re more successful online – no matter your goals. Content is king online – especially in the realm of social media. If you agree or disagree, leave a comment below.

About the author:

John  was one of the very first people to sign up on Facebook. Since then he has watched the social media network explode. The ability to communicate with large numbers of people on a single website has fascinated him. When he’s not writing about Facebook, he’s interacting on the site.

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