Here Is China’s Facial Recognition Smart Glasses To Catch Hold Of Criminals

China has come up with an astonishing, movie-like technology made especially for the police personnel allowing them to identify travelers having a criminal background. It is all possible with the help of smart glasses having the feature of facial recognition!

The device will be fully operational from the Chinese New Year when a large number of people are expected to be seen around. Smart Glasses consist of a camera that identifies and matches the faces with that of the wanted criminals on their database.

As of now, only the railway police personnel are using this gear in Zhengzhou district of Henan. The device uses facial recognition feature for identifying the criminals who are on their hit lists!

TECHGYO_ Smart Glasses to scan the passengers and catch hold of the criminals
Image Courtesy:

“The glasses — which resemble Google Glass — are connected to a police database that can match passengers with criminal suspects. Since Zhengzhou railway police started using the eyewear earlier this year, they have identified seven people suspected of crimes ranging from human trafficking to hit-and-run accidents,” claims the reports of People’s Daily Online. According to the records, these smart glasses have recorded around 26 fraud identities till date.

“The facial information captured by the glasses will be sent back to a database for comparison with the information of suspects on the wanted list,” said a government official from Henan government’s department of public security to the Global Times tabloid.

It was also mentioned that the device needs at least one image of the criminal’s face to analyze the similarity. It reduces the effort of capturing their facial features from different angles. A tablet-like device is linked with these smart glasses. After scanning the passenger’s faces, this tablet-like device analyzes through its database to examine the similarities.

TECHGYO_ Smart Glasses scan the passengers to identify similarities with wanted criminals
Image Courtesy: Wall Street Journal

More than 389 million train trips might occur, becoming the busiest time of this year. Busiest months of traveling are from February 1st to March 12th, for people returning home to enjoy their holidays.

Also, there’s a heavy risk involved in mass banking that can leave all the personal data vulnerable to data theft or fraudulent. So, the smart glasses are also to increase the citizen’s safety. Another motive of using this technology is to bring about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and database into their spectrum. These smart glasses give more control for the vigilance of the crowd.

“China has pursued an ambitious plan to develop its AI sector in recent years, with police departments across the country implementing facial recognition technology. Shanghai has used it to identify and fine traffic violators while in coastal Qingdao, facial recognition helped police arrest dozens of suspected criminals at the city’s famous beer festival,” brought to public notice by Sixth-Tone News Website.

TECHGYO_These glasses have helped to find 26 fraud identities
Image Courtesy: Notey

Currently, China has more than 170 million CCTV active cameras. The figures might raise to a double in the coming years.

China has made plans to design a full-fledged vigilance network totally covering the key locations, by 2020. Further, the plans are to link this network with internet. Helping in providing a 95% of serviceability rate in locations having mass population.

With security footage, comes greater responsibility!

So, building an internal security system and strengthening it for this purpose is on the cards, as protecting any leaks of sensitive data plays an important role!

Megha Kottapalli
Megha Kottapalli
Megha is a Technology writer.