5 Ways We Benefit From Paying by Phone

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(Image via https://twitter.com/MobilePhoneAsia)

In a modern world with seemingly never-ending technological advancements, mobile phones have become an incredibly influential and versatile tool in our everyday lives.

The traditional method of using a mobile phone, for calling or texting, seems to almost fall into the background considering the vast amount of other functions a modern-day mobile can perform. From checking your social media accounts, to catching Pokémon on the bus, to looking up the nearest restaurants and, even, checking your personal banking information, mobile phones are a modern day phenomenon.

Paying for transactions is another option our phones now provide us with, with consumers more than trusting of the technological advancements that enable our phones to perform a method of payment that seemed so far away even a decade ago.

Below are five ways we can benefit from paying for a transaction by phone, something more and more people are doing these days.


In a world where people want things done quickly, mobile phone payments make it easier for a customer to settle an outstanding bill. Even some online casinos allow phone payments. For example, you can play on Casino.com by using your mobile phone for payment. Instead of having to pull out a credit card and add your details to the account, you can use options like Boku to add payments to your phone bill. It’s a big draw for the security conscious.

You can leave your cards and cash at home, meaning you’ll have less to carry around and, subsequently, have less hassle. Mobile payment applications may also help reduce the risk associated with carrying cash too, which can be lost or stolen. Overall, it’s just far more convenient and makes far more sense to pay by phone. If you can, then why not do it?

Save money on credit card fees

Some mobile payment companies charge less per transaction than credit card companies, meaning there can be a small saving to be had. Yes, it’s a small saving only, but it can all add up come the end of the year.

Integrate and increase incentive programs

One of the main benefits of paying with a mobile phone is the ability to keep up to date with loyalty and incentive programs, which many companies have had implemented into their mobile payment applications. All of our information is stored in the application each time we make a purchase with our mobile device, meaning we can always keep up to date with the latest offers, promotions and the like.

Governments encourage and incentivise

In a world which seems to operate without printed cash more and more, governments are aiding this trend by offering initiatives which help prompt mobile phone and online payments. These initiatives are also said to boost the overall uptake in national and international economies.

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(Image via https://twitter.com/WCPO)

More places to pay

Many retailers accept payment via mobile, with more and more stores throughout the world adding this technology daily. Many mobile payment researchers believe the number of stores offering mobile pay is expected to grow significantly in the coming years as they strive to keep up to late with the latest technological trends and give consumers what they want.

Any retailer that fails to implement mobile pay will simply get left behind in a progressive world which is moving faster than ever before. A quick look at all the major retailers will tell you that the vast majority now accept payment via a mobile phone, but there are still plenty of others which don’t, yet.

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