With a smartphone the world is at your back

Technology changes around the user expectations. Mobile phone technology like other technologies is fast evolving. What started out as a first generation mobile is fast pacing towards fourth generation technology. It is needless to say we are living in a technology era. So in some or the other way we are all the recipients of technology directly or indirectly. Just look at the way the smartphones have penetrated the business stream. It’s hard to find a businessman to move without these days. Even small businesses are finding it easy to manage business with a smartphone. Small businesses are having a high time using them. Whether it is document collaboration or online project management businesses are relying heavily on smartphones. Smartphone now finds its place in bare essentials of most businessmen, nothing surprising.
With a smartphone the world is at your back 1
Statistics reveals that a majority of businessmen use smartphones to view and compose emails. A majority of smartphone users also use them to stay updated about current events of business world.

Even when business scene was ruled by hybrid computers and the most up-to-date technologies, a vacuum was always felt by business community. And without a trace of doubt the gap is filled by the smartphones. When smartphones hit the market businesses quickly realized this was the gadget they were all dreaming about.

According to an online market research smartphones have fast replaced the conventional phones within short period of their release. This was nothing less sort of record. Mobile phone technology researchers have long been predicting about the release of such a product.

If the trends are any indication, the number of smartphone users will increase phenomenally. The coming years will see smartphones replacing the conventional mobile handsets. According to a recent report the number of people enquiring about smartphone increased dramatically. All of which means the future for smartphones seem to be bright.

However, environment activists are not happy with the current trends. There is growing concern among activists that the mobile switching pattern is fast increasing. This new trend is only going to increase the numbers. They feel this will further inundate the landfills with unused mobiles. However, there is a reason to cheer thanks to the efforts of mobile phone recycling companies. Now both environment activists and mobile phone users can heave a sigh of relief. Now outdated mobiles need not be dumped in store rooms and landfills. They can sell mobile phone to recycling companies. So it is indeed a win-win situation.