Fix CommentLuv Showing Feedburner Link in Comments

CommentLuv is a WordPress plug-in that has grown in popularity, and many bloggers and commentators have reaped considerable SEO benefits from the use of this plug-in. The most significant advantage of the CommentLuv plug-in is that it provides the platform to receive links to your blog posts.

The mechanics of the plug-in are fairly straightforward: what occurs is when you comment via the CommentLuv interface you can leave a link from your latest blog posts at the tail-end of your comment.

Commenting via CommentLuv blogs facilitates the backlinking process, and often you link to posts that you have not done any SEO work on. Each time you leave a comment on CommentLuv enabled blogs the interface gives you the opportunity to build backlinks to your own blog posts.

Although CommentLuv offers extensive benefits, there are many commentators who extract RSS feeds from their blog via Feedburner who are not obtaining the full reward from using the interface, and are in fact not receiving any benefits mainly because of improper configuration. To test if you are one of these bloggers, you can follow this process:

Locate a comment that you have left on a blog that has CommentLuv enabled. Then place the cursor of your mouse over the link that was left and examine the URL of the link at the bottom left of your browser window

If you see the exact URL of your post then you are good to go, but if the URL reads something like this “…..” then you are not receiving any backlink juice from that link.

feedburner commentluv link
Steps to correct the problem:

  1. Sign into your Feedburner account
  2. Click“Analyze”
  3. Click “Configure Stats”
  4. Uncheck the “Item Link Clicks” box
  5. Save

Once you’ve completed this process, it should take a couple hours for the new Feedburner settings to kick-in. Once the settings have been calibrated, you can perform the above test that you did earlier, and you will observe that the actual URL of your post will be visible. It is great that this setting exists; if it didn’t then your backlinking efforts via CommentLuv blogs would have been pointless.

Alex Papa
Alex Papa
Alex Papa is a full time internet entrepreneur who owns a portfolio of thriving blogs.