IOTransfer – Ultimate Tool for File Transfer, Download and Convert videos on iPad and iPhone

We all have gone through the extremely miserable situation of regretting not to have backed up our phone memory (or most important items) just because we felt that nothing will go wrong. And then it did. It’s rightly said – better to be safe than sorry. Let’s check out the features of IOTransfer iPhone Manager.

In today’s world of mobile phones, where we’re constantly adding new photos, movies and files to our mobile system – it’s only expected that our mobile will eventually drain out and pose up some problems. In such a time, having made a backup can truly be a life-saver. In this review, we look at one such backup manager solely for iphones and ipads – the IOTransfer.

IOTransfer – what is it?

The IOTransfer is an easy to manage backup system for your iphones and ipads. It allows you to easily transfer music, videos, photos & documents from your apple device. All of this works at an extremely easy mechanism of just one click – making the rather redundant otherwise job of backing up quite easy.

The application is quite easy to use and has no technical jargon. In terms of accessibility of your files upon backup, that is absolutely instant. As soon as the application is done with the backing up, the user can access the files on the software.

What are the main features of IOTransfer?

The application is so easy to use because in the rarest case scenario that you’re without a USB cable and need to backup your files in utmost emergency – the transfer via wifi option is simply incredible.

The software also comes with a free video downloader – that works with over 100 websites. If for instance you need a reliable video downloader for youtube, IOTransfer is the way to go. With just copy pasting the youtube link, your video will be downloaded in matter of couple of minutes.

.Heic file type is one that constantly bothers iphone and ipad users because it’s often not supported. Converting the same to jpeg file type is the only option to access it but that should never be done via  a 3rd party non-trustworthy software. IOTransfer helps in this regard as well. You just need to select your .Heic filetype and convert it to jpeg file format – at click of a button.

Video conversion in IOTransfer from your iphone and ipad can be converted into any format that you like. Therefore, any limitations that you felt which were result of the constrained working of iphone and ipad is sorted via the use of IOTransfer.

Further, if in case you feel that you’re running out of space on your ipad or iphone, there’s also provision of disk cleanup (without deleting crucial files) via IOTransfer. But it’s always advisable to always cleanup after making a backup, which IOtransfer allows you to do. Upon which, the software also helps to cleanup unnecessary files.

IOTransfer – simply a game changer

The very idea of using itunes as a mediator poses great troubles to a few users of iphones and ipad. This is where IOTransfer acts as a mediator and doesn’t even require for you to install itunes. You can easily use IOTransfer to not just delete files but also make backup.

In our experience,we felt that the whole experience of the software is quite straightforward and isn’t very technical. The features it provides are the basic ones that every apple user looks for. Be it the conversion of the photo’s and videos file format to the software’s ability to download videos in matter of seconds – which can then be watched offline, in case of non-availability of net.

The software comes in support of more than 7 languages – English, Chinese, German, Dutch, Italian, Japanese & Spanish. Therefore, the reachability of the software is quite global oriented and has a proven track record of customer satisfaction across these languages.

You can check the latest price and offers over here.

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