9 High-End Video Games to Play on Your New Gaming PC

You finally made the decision to buy (or if you’re more tech-savvy, build) a new gaming PC. The first thing you want to do is try out the video games that your old PC hardware just could not handle. The question is, what games will impress? Take a look into the following list of some of the most popular and well-received, high-end games to give your PC a good workout.

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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3- Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is regarded as one of the best role-playing games (RPG) ever by many a fan and critic alike. This Western-developed RPG continues a fan-favorite franchise with perhaps the greatest entry it’s seen.

Crysis 3

Crysis 3

The third entry in perhaps the most famously graphics-intensive video game series on the PC, Crisis 3 continues to demonstrate the series’ visual strengths. I do not know that it is the best game on the list for its gameplay, but it will certainly prove to be one of the prettiest. You may need some better tech to run it, however; you can check on websites like The Gaming Monitor for suggestions.

Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

Despite having been released years ago, Grand Theft Auto V is still as important and relevant as it was. It has received considerable praise for its visuals and is still among the largest open worlds in gaming.

Rocket League

Rocket League

This game is more gameplay-focused than graphics-focused, though it looks good regardless. Rocket League, best described as soccer meets cars, is both one of the most straightforward and complex games you will find.


DOOM game

Gamers and critics alike were skeptical about this game at first, but it turned out to be the surprise hit of the year for many. This game is a true sequel to the classic DOOM video games, managing to feel both old and new at the same time.


overwatch game

Winner of “game of the year” from many outlets, Overwatch blew people away with its arena-style first-person shooter combat and colorful cast of characters. A high-end gaming PC will do a lot of good for this fast-paced game.

Titanfall 2

Titanfall 2

Titanfall 2 was somewhat disappointing financially, which was a disappointment to fans due to its vast improvements over its predecessor, featuring one of the best shooter campaigns in a long while.

Forza Horizon 3

horizon 3 game

This one is the perfect game for high-end PC users. Forza Horizon 3 may not be as realistic as other racing games mechanically, but visually, it stands as one of the best-looking racing games right now.

Dark Souls III

dark souls game

The latest in the infamously difficult Dark Souls franchise did not disappoint its loyal fan base. This game features the traditional gameplay, world, and monster designs that have earned the series high praise from critics.

Indie games

The best games are not the only thing to buy on the PC. Some of the most well-liked and popular games of 2016 included indie titles like:

  • The Witness – An artsty first-person puzzle-adventure game
  • Stardew Valley – A farming/life simulation
  • VA-11 Hall A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action – An anime-styled bartender visual novel

PC breeds variety

PC gamers have a wide variety of options to choose from for gaming, with that variety growing the more powerful the PC. You have many years of games to try out, so get to hunting!

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