10 Quick Tips about Twitter Page Management

Twitter is the social media site created in the year 2006. It has gained popularity by leaps and bounds from then on. It has gotten about 284 million to about 288 active users as of December 2014. This is enough to indicate the popularity this social media site has among all people around the globe. Those in the social media marketing business very well understand the importance of such a huge number of people in a single place. It can simply be considered a gold mine that can only be tapped by experts.

tips for Twitter Page Management

To become an expert of Twitter page management, a person definitely needs to follow certain quick tips that would make his or her page stand out among the numerous people striving to get their own number of followers rising. These followers can later on become potential customers or become ardent followers of certain blogs. So this can serve as a dual purpose of selling as well as increasing the number of viewers. People follow different strategies to increase the number of followers, but some strategies may backfire. It is important to understand the impact of such strategies about Twitter. Blindly posting does not help in any way. Some of the quick tips that can come in handy for a social media marketing expert are discussed below:

  • Using an appropriate profile picture:

Many experts make the mistake of posting a random picture as profile picture of his or her Twitter account. This is a common mistake and this should be avoided at all cost. It should be remembered that the first impression is always the most important encounter. So picture of holidays spent with family or any family get together should in all probability be avoided. If a person wants to use the Twitter account for his business purpose, then the picture should be appropriate with the type of business being represented. It can be a photo of the team or the logo of the company. This is a basic tip for a better Twitter page management.

  • Creating appealing Twitter bio:

The second most important criterion for influencing a person in becoming a twitter follower is the biography. A person should represent the biography in such a manner that people become interested in becoming a follower of the individual’s page or business page. The importance of describing the skills possessed by the twitter account holder is very influential in making the account popular. A Twitter account holder just gets 160 characters to showcase his biography and hence it is important to properly utilize this minimal space.

  • Avoid making self-promotion:

It is very important for the twitter account holder to avoid playing his own band wagon to others. This will genuinely have a negative effect as people do not like hearing self promotion. It is very important to post information that can come in handy for those that want to become the follower of the page. Knowledgeable information will attract more people; hence, there is no need for a person to play his own trumpet. Valuable information is admired by everybody and so a person should look to post such information’s that might attract others.

  • Sharing other people’s contents:

This is a very important criterion that a person should follow to become an expert of Twitter page management. It is true that sharing always means caring. It is a common thought that people only share when they care. So one should share interesting facts posted by others. This will influence the other person to reciprocate. When the other person shares the content, then it reaches out to his followers; thus, the data reaches out to far more people. The chance of getting followers due to this strategy increases by leaps and bounds.

  • Retweet and thank people:

It is very important to thank those people that share the content posted. This creates a feeling of closeness among the followers. There are no limits to retweeting quota and this leverage should always be taken advantage of. This advantage should be utilized by thanking those people that share the tweets. Also, retweeting others’ contents influences them a lot. So this important tip about Twitter should never be neglected.

  • Don’t follow everyone following you:

As the number of followers increases with time, it is important to understand whom to follow and whom to not follow. This judgment is very important. Only those people need to be followed that can have a positive influence businesswise or knowledge wise. So segregating unimportant accounts are as important as choosing those accounts fit to follow. It is a strategy that can influence several other followers.

  • Using hashtags:

It is important to never overdo something as the chance of backfire increases. Using hashtags for any tweet is important, but it should never be random. The general rule that one to three hashtags should be created per tweet should always be followed.

  • Creating content for various category of people:

The twitter account should never be monotonous. Variety of interesting subjects should be chosen so that people from different spheres of life become interested in following. This increases the type of followers following and in the hindsight increases the chance of more followers.

  • Time of tweeting:

It is important to know when the maximum number of people is present to respond to a tweet. This is the cream time to post tweets as there is maximum chance of getting retweets and shares. So popularity will be easy to gain.

  • Taking benefit of the discover tab:

This is the tab that can be very helpful if used in a proper manner. This tab shows whom to follow and what tweets to retweet.

The above quick tips can be game changer if followed properly. So for any person wanting to become a master about Twitter marketing, these tips should never be overlooked. These tips of Twitter page management can surely make a profile stand out in the crowd.


About the author

Sheena Mathieson, understands the essence of making excellent content that suits the needs of every business especially when it comes online marketing. She can spice up your marketing campaign with the content she makes and then incorporate Buy Real Marketing services.


10 Quick Tips about Twitter Page Management 1
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