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Micro jobs are small jobs which are also known as micro-tasks or micro labor. This kind of tasks can be easily finished within few hours or days. Payment is credited through online banking once the tasks are completed. Micro jobs are a great way to work as a freelancer, from the comfort of one’s own home and at flexible timings. Such online jobs help to support students paying hefty tuition fees. These are suitable for homemakers or retired persons, or anyone who would like to utilise their leisure to earn some additional income. Online micro job opportunities are becoming more and more for those who want to do freelance jobs available.
10 of the genuine sites for online micro jobs:
This site offers a variety of jobs for the freelancers. In this platform freelancers and independent professionals come together to provide services. The company selects freelancers, and pays them whenever they are satisfied with the work that has been submitted. The website offers lots of facilities to the freelancer such as tracking and acquiring feedback on their submitted work. Communication with clients is also through a simple procedure.
This is a Germany based company helping people earn extra financial benefits by doing part-time jobs by data entry jobs, writing articles and translation. The website is available in three different languages they are German, Polish and English. Registration to this website is free of cost. After registering one can apply for micro labor tasks like online research, tagging data, data categorization, text creation and editing. This website has more than 3000,000 people working. They pay in US dollars or Euros through PayPal or bank account.
3. Amazon Mechanical Turk
This website offers small jobs like short term writing jobs, transcription jobs, conducting online surveys and keyword searches. Payments can also be accepted in the form of Amazon gift cards if one wishes to. Micro jobs on Amazon Mechanical Turk is known as “human intelligence task(HIT)”.
In this website, micro jobs are called “GIGS”. Skills and services here can be bought to get small tasks done. This is a popular portal for online small online jobs. The mission of this website is to create a profitable business out of someone’s hobby. The website pays using Paypal.
This is an interesting website. It gives you the opportunities to test any website, software or mobile application. The developers of the website look for real users who will be able to provide genuine and constructive feedback on their products. People who participate in such campaigns get paid adequately and is a means of easy income. Each campaign will take 30 – 40 minutes.
This is another site where a large number of freelance jobs are enlisted. Freelancers can opt for jobs involving computer programming, software development and web development. Content related jobs like editing, proof-reading, and writing are also available.
This website is mostly based in the UK and is similar to By the help of this platform you will be able to start a business with your own set of skills. Services can be sold in exchange of money.
This is another site where they will offer tasks that can be completed using one’s own browser. They provide online jobs like tagging, validation, viewing ads, and surveys for which you can earn in bitcoins. In this website, you will gain points and when it will reach to 180 then they will pay you equivalent bitcoin.
9. Evanto
This website offers jobs like web designing, and programming. The work generally is provided by well-established clients and companies. This is one of the platforms that connects a large network of creative designers who can do freelancing work.
This is an amazing website for writers or editors, copywriters, content moderator etc. This website offers jobs like content writing. Freelancers and service providers are reasonably paid for the work they submit. They are linked with Amazon MTurk.
These are some of the websites among the 10 genuine site for micro jobs. Micro jobs have their own pros and cons. These jobs are like you will get the freedom and comfort but on the other hand, there is no assurance that such jobs can provide regular income.