Kubernetes is an open platform that can be used to deploy and manage applications. Dev and IT teams can use Kubernetes’ extensibility to simplify logging, middleware, monitoring, configuration, CI/CD, and more.

Install Kubernetes
Kubernetes is a cutting-edge container orchestration platform that has many benefits. Stateful workloads like Postgres benefit from this automation, allowing teams to scale their services faster to market without sacrificing reliability. However, stateful applications have a range of specific requirements that must be met to ensure that the application can meet business-critical performance and availability SLAs. These requirements include high scalability, performance, and a secure and reliable data management layer.
It would be best to have a Linux machine to run kubectl and the container runtime to install Kubernetes. You also need a text editor to edit the configuration files for your cluster. You have the option to use either a physical or virtual machine. If you are using a physical machine, make sure that you install Linux networking tools and set up a static IP address on the host. You should also install the kubeadm join command and a GUI tool to manage your cluster.
Once you have installed Kubernetes, you can deploy PostgreSQL on it. You need a YAML configuration file and a text editor to do this. You can create a Kubernetes resource to deploy the database by passing the apply argument and the config file. Once you have deployed the PostgreSQL pod, check its status with kubectl. If the status runs, you can access the pod’s logs using kubectl logs.
Install PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL is an open-source, ACID-compliant relational database management system that offers many features, including stored procedures, triggers, user-defined functions, and replication. It provides enterprise-grade scalability performance and availability. It can support data with large volumes and is used by various applications.
The software can be easily installed on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. You can download PostgreSQL from the official repository and install it on your machine. After installation, you can run the pgsql command to connect to your PostgreSQL instance. You can also use the kubectl command to create a temporary pod postgresql-dev-client and connect to it using a kubectl exec command.
There are two ways how to deploy Postgres on Kubernetes: using a Helm chart or manually with YAML configurations. You can select the method that aligns with your requirements and financial plan. Using a Helm chart simplifies application deployment on Kubernetes and comes with features like quick updates, sharing of charts, and rollbacks. Manual deployment involves more planning and technical knowledge but can provide a deeper understanding of how Kubernetes works.
An operator is an abstraction layer that manages stateful workloads and handles the lifecycle of your application on Kubernetes. A few PostgreSQL operators are available, including the open-source OpenShift operator from EnterpriseDB (EDB) and the CloudNative PG operator. Both of these operators are Apache-licensed and free to use. The EDB PostgreSQL operator has some additional features for managing the cluster.
Deploy PostgreSQL
Despite its compatibility with other platforms, running Postgres on Kubernetes is complex. Configuration is the key, especially when it comes to Pod specifications. It’s crucial to ensure that Pods are configured as primary and standby so the platform can keep your data safe even during a server crash. Also, you must follow operational best practices when updating your Pods to the latest software version.
When deploying PostgreSQL, you must select a persistent storage solution that provides high-performance read/write capabilities. PostgreSQL uses Write Ahead Logs (WAL) to maintain data availability by logging changes to disk before they’re written to the database. WAL helps you recover from database failures and corruption.
Another essential feature of your persistent storage solution is that it should allow you to move Pods and their data between environments. By following this, you can prevent expensive downtime and the need for re-provisioning, whether the maintenance is planned or unplanned.
Monitor PostgreSQL
Kubernetes is an open-source platform that enables you to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications. It also allows you to automate stateful workloads like databases and data services.
PostgreSQL is a powerful and reliable database server that can be deployed on various platforms. It has many features that make it suitable for use in the cloud, including support for distributed transactions and replication. This technology can handle large amounts of data and quickly adapt to increasing demands.
Once the PostgreSQL deployment has been created, you can monitor its status by running a kubectl command. This command will show you the pod’s stats and logs. You can use the database once you’ve confirmed the deployment is working.
Database metrics can help you detect performance bottlenecks, identify anomalies, and prevent incidents before they happen. A database monitoring solution can ship your PostgreSQL metrics to your control plane and enable you to set up visualizations, optimizations, alerts, and more.