Embedding a robust online payment gateway system not only makes your customers feel happy but also remember your website in the future whenever they wish to shop. A happy buyer always suggests the website to his friends which increases the potential business.
Pre-Requisites for Setting up An Online Payment Gateway
One must need to have a Merchant Account before setting up an online payment gateway. Merchant account allows receiving payments from your customers online by credit card or any other supported payment methods. To fetch this you can simply visit your bank and apply for a new merchant account. If you already have a credit card then you can simply extend its service for your website. This is the major step to followed before Setting Up An Online Payment Gateway.
Embedding a Powerful and Secure Online Payment Gateway System
Now again the webmaster’s work starts here, i.e. choosing the highly secure and reliable Payment Gateway software to receive the payments to merchant account. This one is the final but the most important step in installing an Online Payment Gateway into the website. Most reliable and secure payment gateway processors are- 2Checkout, CCAvenue, EBS, ABCpayments, ICICI Bank Payseal and HDFC Bank Payment Gateway. All of the Payment Gateway processors listed here can process VISA / MasterCard / Diners / AMEX / JCB / Cash Cards / Debit Cards / Net Banking. Payment gateway processors usually charge onetime setup fees and annual maintenance charges, when it comes to withdrawing the money to your merchant account some are instant and other allows you to withdraw your money weekly.