It seems that pretty much everyone has a mobile phone these days but despite their popularity many people still love having a home phone, and for good reason too.
There are a number of really good reasons why having a home phone, even if already you also have a mobile device, is still such a good idea, and here are three sound arguments why you should stay connected at home.
No restrictions
With a home phone you normally get access to unlimited local calls and a lot of deals also include being able to dial plenty of other numbers within your fixed monthly cost. The big bonus with a home phone compared to a mobile is that you don’t have to worry about monitoring your minutes.
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Your cell phone package will give you a fixed number of minutes per month in your package and charge you extra if you go over this limit, whereas a home phone lets you use the phone with virtually no restrictions when you compare it the charges you face by going over your limit on your mobile.
As well as the lack of restrictions that you enjoy with a home phone compared to a cell phone you can also consider some very favorable cost comparisons. You can only imagine how much your mobile charges will be if spent hours on the phone talking with friends and relatives without paying any attention to the amount of minutes that you had used.
Lost coverage
Despite there being a national network for cell phones, you probably suffer from some sort of lost coverage or network outage almost every day. Signal strength on your cell phone will vary depending on where you are and sometimes even depends on how many other people you are sharing the network signal, meaning that your call can get dropped in the middle of a conversation.
A home phone does not have the same issues and you don’t have to worry about signal strength or networks being busy, so in terms of overall reliability, the fixed-line home phone still has a lot to offer and will not let you down anywhere near as much as your cell phone will.
Battery life
The convenience aspect that a cell phone can offer while you are out and about can soon evaporate when you lose your signal or worse still, your battery runs out of power. At least with a home phone you know that the phone signal and handset are not going to let you down any time soon.
That can be really important to know that you have access to a reliable and permanent phone signal especially in the case of an emergency, where you want access to a phone that is going to work first time and is not going to run out of battery at such a critical point.
These are three really good reasons why owning a home phone is still such a good idea but there are plenty of others too when you stop to think about it.
About the author:
Dennis McIntosh works out of his home as a business consultant. He frequently gives his unique insight into new ways to use technology on consumer blogs.