Compare suite: Auto compare differences in 2 files instantly!

We have found a great way to compare between two files with any type of contents ranging from normal text, source codes, Rich text, Office files to even Image and Multimedia files.

Compare suite

Normally we would be comparing two different versions of a file manually, in a text editor. But this is really a time consuming and a hard task. You may run out of patience and the results may contain errors and won’t be so accurate as machines, Isn’t it? So We’ve researched and found the best solution which not only saves a lot of time but also improves productivity with the help of lots of features.

“The Compare suite” is the best solution for all of your problems. Even though there are many file compare tools available out there, Compare Suite is among the best rated by  Developers, Webmasters, Bloggers, Students and many more who have used it. And I’m sure that you are going to love it once you use it. Compare suite really does all that you need. The only thing required from your part is to submit two files and it will do the rest while you sit aside.

Compare Suite is a very easy to use file or folder compare and synchronize utility. You can compare the difference between two files or two folders easily since the changes can be recognized according to views, folder colouring, summary node and highlighting features which help you find all the differences quick and easy.

You can upload files to compare from the local hard drive, removable media (CD, DVD’s) or over the network (FTP), and easily see the differences between them. Then use one-click copy or delete files as required to resolve the differencesupload compare text

What you can compare with Compare suite?

I can say that Compare suite supports almost any type of file format you need to compare.

Supported File Formats:

  • Text Files (txt)
  • MS Word (doc, Docx)
  • Excel (Xls)
  • Open Office Files
  • Adobe Acrobat PDF (.pdf)
  • Web Page (Htm and Html)
  • Zip Archives (.zip)
  • Binary files (.exe, .com, .dll, .sys, .cpl, .ocx, .bin)
  • Image files (.jpg, .png)

Compare text files by:

  • Keyword by keywords – Can be used to compare between two non-related documents with a similar structure.
  • Word by Word – Use to compare whole words only.
  • Character by character – Compares character by character in two text files.
  • Folder by Folder – Compare two folders to find changes that were made in two folders and containing files.

Key features: Comparison report, Info panel display, Merge two or more files, Compare distinct files, Document audit,  iTestBot

Comparison report: In addition, Compare suite can generate a detailed comparative report for you in one click. It contains detailed comparison information. You can audit plain text files, accept or decline changes that were made. The report can be generated once you compared two files or folders.

Info Panel Window: The Info panel displays on the separate window lets you keep a track of the changes made to the files like modified date and time of the two files, number of common and unique words. Similarity percentage, added lines/words, deleted lines/words, modified lines/words, total words, compare by date, dates of two files, total chars.

When comparing two folders, Compare suite will list the number of new files, deleted files, and modified files. It will also show you the changes you made Character by Character or
Keyword by Keyword.

Why you should I use Compare suite?

Doing things faster and to maintain the accuracy

Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods in front of the computer could be bad for your health even if you also exercise regularly. 

For instance, assume that you are a blogger or a developer or even a student who had to spend a long time in front of Computer, You might want to handle many tasks according to schedule and all that makes you tired and you will surely lose patience when things go wrong after working for a long time. Overall, it affects your health mentally and physically in many ways.

Why I stated about health is because scientists say that most of the times people get frustrated in scenarios where problem-solving or resolution becomes confusing by doing the things repeatedly. And this involves things like comparing text files or editing codes or visual interactive things. Even though this is not the complete solution for internet users, Compare suite can really help developers, web designers, bloggers, students and people involved in comparing files in any form.

How to compare two files using Compare suite?

Compare suite helps you to find if two documents are similar and what are the differences between them. You can also compare documents with keywords. Similarities and changes in the two files will be highlighted with special colours and graphics. These comparisons will help you to check if there were any changes made to a document that you were working on by comparing it with the archive of the same file saved earlier. When it comes to folder comparison you can check if any new files were added, removed or modified in the folder. You can also track changes made to a website by comparing two backups made at different time intervals. For example, if you want to track new kb articles that were released today in you can compare the backups of the website that were made yesterday and today and check for new Web Pages that were added on the backup which was taken today. You can get software’s which can download all or part of a website.

You can also create a report about the comparison. You can share this report with your co-workers and even print it. There are two types of folder comparison report available in Compare Suite- Full report and advanced report. The full report contains information only about changed files and shows only changes (not whole file text). The advanced report includes full file texts and changes highlighted. You can edit, apply or remove changes that were found.

In addition to this, you can also merge two documents. You can apply the changes that were found between files and merge them into one single file.

Compare suite supports plain text, ms word, ms excel, open office files, pdf, Images, web pages, zip archives, binary files (.exe, .com, .dll, .sys, .cpl, .ocx, .bin)

The Info panel in compare suite will show the modified date and time of the two files, the number of common and unique words. When comparing two folders compare suite will show the number of new files, deleted files, and modified files.

What’s unique about this software? Compare suite: Auto compare differences in 2 files instantly! 1

There are several features which we have found unique when compared to other similar file comparison software’s. Keeping aside the common features, we will mention the ones which we found to be most useful to our readers.

  • Detailed Automated Report Generation Feature, Supporting Different Formats.
  • The Image Comparing Feature.
  • Extended Set Of Tools With Various Options To Choose From.
  • Multimedia File Comparison, Supporting Various Audio And Video Format.
  • Compressed File Comparison Feature.

We found it to be an exceptional software for Editors, Authors, Bloggers, Students, Teachers, developers and alike in the field, which requires frequent comparing of two or more files of various kinds.

You can also have a look at the tutorial video, to explore all the features of the Compare Suite.  To download and use the software you can click here Compare Files.

Anubhab is the author of this post and he blogs at