Saturday, February 15, 2025
3.1 C

Password Managers – What Are They & How to Use Them

password managers

Computer networks are an important part of the infrastructure of many production, administrative, financial and military systems. Endangering their security, i.e. unauthorized access, alteration or corruption of data, programs, servers, workstations stations, transmission routes, or other resources is a danger to be faced meet everyone who is in any way connected with development, by introducing, using, or maintaining such systems. So there are always some important steps to do, whether you are in web development or development of goods in general, to secure your product. Security problem is becoming more pronounced and further encouraged by the widespread use of the Internet networks and wireless mobile communications.

Consumer distrust and concerns, mainly in regards to the protection of their private information and risk of being exposed to online frauds, have been the main obstacles in online commerce. With all the potential that e-commerce provides to both companies and consumers, it is in the interest of the companies to increase trust among its online users.

There are different e-commerce perspectives: communication, business process, service process and on-line perspective. 

1. Communication Perspective – sharing information, products, services or payments electronically. 

2. Business Process Perspective – application of technology in business, automation transactions and workflow i.e. business. 

3. Service Perspective – allows you to cut costs while increasing speed and quality of service delivery.

4. Online Perspective – buy and sell products and information online.

Hacking Passwords

It is very important to have strong and complex passwords for maintaining system security.  When creating your password it is advised to use a combination of numbers, letters (a combination of uppercase letters and lowercase letters) and some special character (semicolon, colon, question mark, etc.). 

Hackers use certain tools with which to crack simple passwords in minutes. There are programs on the Internet where you can check the strength of your password and the time needed to break it. Use complex and secure passwords. The more complex your password, the more secure you are someone is less likely to decipher.

Password Managers – Definition & Application

Password Manager is a software application. That particular application is used for creating, storing and managing passwords that users have for their numerous online accounts and security features. Many password managers are available: some are provided by browser vendors as part of the browser, some are provided by third parties, and many are network based where passwords are backed up to the cloud and synced across the user’s devices. Given the sensitivity of the data they manage, it is natural to study their security.

Password managers are designed to relieve password fatigue, reduce cognitive load on users, and reduce log-in time. They can also indirectly facilitate better password quality and a reduction in password reuse. A naive password manager simply stores the passwords, while security-conscious managers lock the stored passwords under a master password. Password managers may also integrate other techniques to strengthen or encode passwords. Password managers have certain drawbacks. To use a password manager, existing accounts must be migrated to use the manager, potentially requiring current passwords be changed. In the event an adversary gains access to the manager’s storage, a naive password manager offers no protection, making it a high value target. With a master password, the manager provides, at best, a level of protection dependent on the strength of the master password against an offline attack, provided the attacker has access to the manager’s storage. This is assuming the theft does not occur when the manager has unlocked the passwords for the duration of a session, in which case the protection offered is greatly reduced. Password managers that maintain unprotected passwords during use do not always clearly indicate to the user the current state (locked or unlocked) of the system. Password managers can be divided into subcategories based on the credential information.

Cyber Security

Password managers (client-side tools to assist password-based authentication) offer the promise of a compromise between addressing the drawbacks of password authentication and respecting the factors that prevent outright replacement. One of the most prominent and praised password managers out there is Keeper Password Manager & Digital Vault. It provides you with multiple segments like: web app, browser extension, desktop app and mobile app, with a variety of features. Some of them are usual, like password generator, and few of them are pretty cool. It has encrypted chat services for you business, and dark web protection, with a secure cloud vault. To  understand better Keeper Password Manager and all its features read this insightful article. Current security advice given to users regarding passwords is untenable. Users are expected to create unique, strong passwords for each of their individual accounts and these passwords must be protected indefinitely against compromise and loss. Evaluating the burden of these requirements next to the potential gain they provide has been asserted by some to indicate that rejection of password advice by users is entirely rational. The need to alleviate the memory burden placed on users by this unrealistic advice, motivates password managers as a class of potential solution. Password managers all endeavor to reduce the number of passwords a user must retain in their memory. 

Some password managers accomplish this by acting as a memory aid, committing passwords to a storage medium other than the human mind. Others accomplish a reduction of cognitive load by strengthening, or stretching, one memorized password into many unique passwords. 

Besides the usability benefits offered by reducing memory demands, many password managers also provide great deploy advantages, compared to an outright password replacement. Password managers can transparently act as a middle-man between the user and the service to which they are providing a password, requiring no code changes or alternative authentication options be provided by the end service. The down-side is that preserving passwords as the underlying authentication mechanism prevents password managers from addressing all of the security failings of passwords, instead electing for greater backwards compatibility with existing services.  Password managers retain much of the familiarity of password authentication (e.g. usernames, passwords) and can be adopted on a per-user basis. Their biggest disadvantage is, depending on the implementation details, often limited security improvement.

For us, in this era, when we are entering 2020. and the more rapid expansion of technologies, e-commerce, and even cryptocurrency, you security is everything. And the easiest way to upgrade, so to speak, you own online security, is to protect you passwords of your accounts. You don’t realize that the threat is real, until it hits you, so, stay safe guys when your on the Internet.

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